Intimate Partner Violence Impact Assessment (IPVIA)

In 2016, CEGV (along with our Project Partners – (King County Superior Court, King County Protection Order Advocacy Program, Family Law CASA, King County Bar Foundation, LifeWire, and Northwest Justice Project) was […]

IPVIA Request Form

Created as part of the Justice for Families Project as part of our civil legal systems work. Thank you for your interest in the Intimate Partner Violence Impact Assessment (IPVIA). […]

Report: I Just Want to Be Safe

Battered Women’s Experiences with the Family Law System in King County December 2005 The purpose of this paper is to describe the experiences survivors of domesticviolence (DV) have with the […]

Justice for Families Project

Part of our Civil Legal work. Helping to identify and account for domestic violence in family court Family court can become a venue for post-separation abuse tactics that can prolong […]

Family Law Work Group

Part of our Civil Legal work. Networking for civil legal advocates and other legal professionals The Family Law Work Group (FLWG) has been meeting regularly since 2006 and consists of […]

Spotlight on The Justice for Families Project

We’re very proud of the work and dedication that Tracee Parker and other collaborators have put into creating trainings and tools necessary to identify and articulate the presence, nature, and impact of DV in the family home.

What we do, in our own words

We at the Coalition understand and live by the strength of our community and we want to say thank you to all our supporters for being in this movement.