Do you care about gender, racial, and economic justice? Do you want to get more involved in collaborative efforts to end sexual and domestic violence? Are you interested in developing your leadership skills, learning more about non-profit governance, and being a part of a fun, diverse, and engaged group of professionals and community members? The Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence is looking for enthusiastic, dynamic candidates for current and upcoming openings on our Board of Directors. What is most important is a passionate commitment to the mission and values of the Coalition, and an interest in promoting and supporting the organization’s effectiveness and sustainability. We are especially looking for people with experience in nonprofit finance, personnel/HR, and computers/technology. We value a diverse Board, and encourage people of all backgrounds to apply, especially people of color, immigrants, refugees, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, veterans, and people with lived experience with gender-based violence and/or navigating human services systems.
See the full posting here.