We’d like to give a big (belated) welcome to our new Board members starting their term with us this year – some folks may be familiar faces to you all! We’re excited to work with them and orient them to the work of the Coalition.

Aushenae Matthews-Moody is a Relief Advocate for the DV Hopeline at New Beginnings and she also works at Washington State Office of Independent Investigations, an agency investigating police use of deadly force. Aushenae has a long history of dedication to ending gender-based violence through her work in survivor-centered advocacy, social justice, community engagement, policy and legislation and working in partnership with communities impacted by oppression. Aushenae brings strategic thinking, financial acumen, leadership, and communication skills to her work and believes in the importance of raising awareness about the effects of gender-based violence. She hopes to serve on the CEGV board to give back to the community, create safer communities, and believes her commitment to CEGV’s mission and her experience in the non-profit sector would be of benefit to CEGV and the community it supports.

Erin Bryant-Thomas is the Human Services Manager for the City of SeaTac, collaborating with agencies to develop programs that meet the needs of vulnerable populations, including survivors of gender-based violence. Prior to this role, Erin has worked at the King County Regional Homeless Authority and the City of Seattle Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, supporting the voices of those with lived experience, promoting equity, and fostering collaboration across sectors. Erin’s lived experience as a community organizer has led to a deep understanding of the intersections of racism, sexism, colonialism, capitalism, and the carceral system, which informs her approach to addressing gender-based violence. Erin is inspired by the Coalition’s mission to end gender-based violence and promote equitable relationships through collective action for social change and feels that joining the Board would allow her to contribute her expertise and passion to further the Coalition’s impactful work.

Elizabeth Hendren is an Advocacy Counsel at member program, Sexual Violence Law Center. Prior to her work at SVLC she worked for over 10 years as a family law attorney for currently and formerly incarcerated mothers and created the Reentry Initiated through Services and Education (RISE) Project at Northwest Justice Project which provides comprehensive civil legal services to incarcerated mothers to facilitate family reunification. Elizabeth is excited to join the Board of the Coalition because “I have deeply respected the work and process, I have observed from the Coalition for a long time. The Coalition is in the spaces survivors need it to be, and advocating for the diversity of issues facing survivors, not just the comfortable and the popular.” Elizabeth is eager to work more closely with the Coalition in the role of board member.

Napal Tesfai has been a part of the community to end gender-based violence for over two decades from volunteering with Deaf Spotlight and Northwest Immigrant Rights Project to more recently being in the role of Executive Director at ADWAS for over 4 years. Napal is committed to elevating the stories of marginalized communities affected by gender-based violence, given that they are often underrepresented in decision-making spaces. She also brings a deep understanding of how race and disability intersect with experiences of violence. Napal brings skills in high-level decision-making, strategic direction, and ensuring that the mission and values of an organization are consistently reflected in its action. She believes the Coalition’s work closely aligns with her values and she is excited about the opportunity to contribute to the Coalition’s vision, helping shape its strategies, and to work alongside a dedicated team working to end gender-based violence.

If you’re interested in becoming a board member, contact Amarinthia Torres [Co-Executive Director] at amarinthia@endgv.org or Jennifer Nguyen [Board Member] at jennifern09@gmail.com