A Message from the Board of Directors, Co-Chairs

We are thrilled to announce that this month, the CEGV Board of Directors voted to promote Lea Aromin, our current Director of Programs and Membership, to the position of Co-Executive Director – Programs. The entire Board and staff unanimously and enthusiastically supported her promotion, and are excited to support her vision and leadership as she takes on this new role. Lea will begin her new position on April 1.
With long-time Executive Director, Merril Cousin, retiring from her job in several months, the members of the Coalition voted to adopt a Co-Executive Director model to more effectively distribute the increasingly complex responsibilities of non-profit executive leadership, and to facilitate more distributed decision-making across the organization.
“Lea understands and appreciates what the Coalition’s position and value has been in the past, and she has a vision for how it can evolve and grow in the future. Lea is ready for and excited about this opportunity to lead the Coalition, and I don’t think we could find a more perfect candidate for the position of Co-Executive Director- Programs.”
Merril Cousin, Executive Director
As the Co-Executive Director – Programs, Lea will be responsible for leading and supporting program staff, overseeing government funding and contracts, and ensuring that internal and external policies and practices reflect the Coalition’s commitment to collaboration, racial justice, and distributive leadership. She will work in close collaboration with the Co-Executive Director – Policy. The Board is currently conducting an executive search to fill the second Co-Executive Director position.
Many of you know Lea Aromin from previous roles here at the Coalition and at member program LifeWire over the past decade. Her work has included providing direct services to survivors of gender-based violence, supervising staff, developing and managing programs, public speaking and training, and leading systems planning efforts, with particular emphasis on the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness.
“I’m excited and honored to serve our community in this new role and make a lasting impact. I am especially eager to have the opportunity to partner with a Co-Executive Director as we develop new ways to further our work ending violence and oppression.”
Lea Aromin, Co-Executive Director – Programs
Since joining the Coalition, Lea has demonstrated a leadership style and vision based on compassion and equity. And it is through her leadership that we believe the Coalition will move confidently toward a future without gender-based violence in our communities.