Dear Beloved Community,

How are you doing? It’s been a tough couple of days for our movement.

…A movement that so many of us have dedicated our lives to.
…A movement that believes that sexual and domestic violence are not inevitable.
…A movement that believes in a world where healthy, loving relationships are the norm.

We believe this world is possible and worth fighting for.

Like you, we watched and listened to yesterday’s hearing, full of heartache, and dismay.

We, many of us survivors ourselves, are horrified at seeing yet another man credibly accused of sexual assault set to be appointed to one of the highest offices of the land… arguably, one of the most important and long-lasting appointments. Many of us are struggling with varying emotions, struggling to remain hopeful.

We don’t have to struggle alone. This Tuesday, we invite you to gather with us. We offer a space to rage, to grieve, to celebrate survival, to be together. This is an opportunity to support each other and our collective liberation.

We believe you. We believe survivors. Will you join us and believe together?

The Coalition is opening our doors Tuesday, October 2nd, from 3:30-5:30 pm. We will have snacks and listening ears. Please join us and feel free to bring your people.


Community Gathering
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018
3:30 – 5:30 pm

Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence
1419 S Jackson St #103
Seattle, WA 98144

Our office is accessible from Jackson Street. If you have any issues finding us please call the office at 206-568-5454.

RSVPs are welcome, but not necessary, by emailing


Your Coalition Friends