For the past four years, Development Manager, Lauren Peterson has connected passionate people with the Coalition. We’re sad to see her go, but deeply grateful for her dedication and leadership here. All of us, Lauren included, are thrilled to introduce our new Fund Development Manager, Liz Nixon. Liz is a Washingtonian, born and raised, although she just returned to the Emerald City from bike touring to and around Central America. She has worked in fundraising and development for several King County nonprofits over the past seven years, and most recently worked as the Development Director of Bike Works in Columbia City. Liz is passionate about gender justice, and excited to be joining the Coalition at what she hopes and believes is a pivotal moment in our society’s acceptance of gender equity and diversity. She’s also thrilled to be working for a coalition, the very epitome of “better together.” When she’s not connecting with the Coalition’s incredibly dedicated and awesome supporters, you can find her digging in her backyard attempting to keep plants alive, or off on mini bike tours exploring the Pacific Northwest’s stunning beauty.