That’s a wrap!
Thanks for sticking with us through this year of big changes at the Coalition! Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ve been up to in 2023.
Putting the year in perspective
We changed up our entire leadership structure and said goodbye to our Founding Executive Director, Merril Cousin.
The Coalition staff held our first staff retreat since the pandemic and we got even more time together by attending the WA State Coalition Against Domestic Violence Conference as a team!
We launched a newly redesigned website that is more reflective of who we are and can better communicate what we do!
The Coalition moved (different offices, same building!) to a smaller space to better accommodate our hybrid work model and new team formation. It was A LOT of work, but we’re happy to report that we’re finally settled in and the space is amazing! Come visit us!
Just a small dose of some things we did this year!
- We filled the venue to capacity at the annual Celebration for Change where we collectively honored the founding ED of the Coalition, Merril Cousin.
- We hosted a Prevention Gathering for gender-based violence preventionists in King County.
- We hosted Advocate Gatherings to give community based and systems based advocates an opportunity to connect, network, and learn from each other.
- We held multiple trainings on a range of topics like: the Integrative Trauma Model, Neurodivergence and Sexual Health, and Religious Trauma and GBV.
- We partnered with Downtown Emergency Service Center and King County Housing Authority to train on the intersections of DV and homelessness/housing justice.
- We held workshops related to family law including how advocates can help survivors prepare for family court evaluations and how attorneys and other professionals need to consider the impact of DV in family law cases.
- Restored $250k in one-time funds that were set to expire and now will continue supporting survivor-driven mobile advocacy in Seattle.
- Secured $200k in new funding to implement the recommendations from the recent report, “Transformation is Possible”, which explored alternatives to the criminal legal system for misdemeanor domestic violence cases in Seattle.
Stay tuned!
We’ll kick off 2024 with our first in-person Annual Membership Meeting since 2020! If you’re part of our membership network, join us on:
January 18, 2024
9:00 – 12:00
Tukwila Community Center
Banquet Hall
12424 42nd Ave S, Tukwila, WA 98168
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