DeAnn Alcantara-Thompson is the Transformative Justice & Prevention Coordinator at the Coalition, a new position focused on supporting the Coalition membership around existing – and developing – work related to Transformative Justice, Restorative Justice, Community Accountability and Prevention.
DeAnn started out in the movement studying feminism at the UW and working at the Women’s Center while volunteering at a local domestic violence shelter. She worked at New Beginnings as the overnight shelter advocate, and started volunteering with the Queer People of Color Liberation Project housed at the then API Women and Family Safety Center (Now API Chaya). For seven years, DeAnn worked as an advocate, coordinating the Community Engagement Program at the NW Network of Bisexual, Trans, Lesbian & Gay Survivors of Abuse. In 2015 she moved to London, while pregnant, and embarked on the most difficult and rewarding job she’s known to date–being a stay at home mom! She is so glad to be back from her adventure abroad and working for the Coalition.
She is excited to be in conversation with the programs in King County already working at the forefront of prevention and transformative justice work, and even more excited to work together in envisioning a truly just future! She believes that liberation will win and that justice is worth fighting for. As an impassioned mixed Filipina Chamorita sister, partner, friend and mother, DeAnn has so much hope for the future.
To keep life interesting, DeAnn also enjoys hiking, swimming in Seattle’s open water, talking about breastfeeding, and gallivanting about Western Washington to visit family.