The Coalition has been working on the Mapping Prevention 2020 project since the beginning of the year with DeAnn Alcantara-Thompson and Sid Jordan leading. This project is hoping to reach people across King County with this groundbreaking local study on how communities work to prevent domestic, sexual, and family violence outside of systems of policing and punishment.
Mapping Prevention 2020 specifically focuses on strategies that reach those particularly vulnerable to violence and address racism and its intersections with sexism and other forms of oppression. We aim to create and share community data on existing efforts and support opportunities and funding for strategic expansion and future visioning. The survey will help shape violence prevention and transformative justice efforts at the Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence and be used to inform gender-based violence prevention decision-making through the King County Department of Community and Human Services.
Please consider taking the survey at mappingprevention.org, and please forward this on to agency staff, volunteers, Board members, and anyone else you think might be interested. Please respond ASAP – data is being analyzed as it comes in.
If you are interested in taking part in the project, here are a few additional ways to support:
Help connect us to communities across King County by emailing or text messaging friends, coorganizers, coworkers, etc. who could be interested.
Share on organizational or personal social media accounts. There are some sample messages below.
If you are interested in volunteering on a short term basis, you can reach out to DeAnn Alcatara-Thompson deann@endgv.org.