As we come to a close of 2016, we ask you this: please make a gift today to support advocates, advocacy, and accelerating the end to gender-based violence.

We are just a few hundred bucks shy of our ambitious goal for the year. Will you tip us over the edge?

With your support, the Coalition fosters collaboration and coordination between agencies.

“(Because of the Coalition) we have an atmosphere where we can really lean on and rely on each other. It gives all of us who are sort of alone in our work, the ability to come together and build community. Ultimately, that makes services better. It makes referrals easier. And it dramatically improves the quality of service survivors receive.

With your support, the Coalition ensures that the help survivors need is within reach. Thanks to our past advocacy efforts, trained mental health therapists are now housed in four local domestic violence organizations.

“Before, we were struggling to connect survivors to counselors. Now, we have a workable resource. We can quickly connect survivors to a therapist we trust. We know that therapist can do the next level of mental health care for survivors. That’s hugely impactful.”

With your support, advocates have the information and tools they need to excel. Tools like the Family Law Toolkit are one such example.

“(Those tools) took the pressure off of us to be legal experts. Instead, they created a true advocacy relationship. And that created a great outcome for that survivor.”

We know this: right now is a critical time to take action. Please make a gift today. Accelerate the end to gender-based violence.