First Remote Covid-19 Staff MeetingPhoto description: A screen capture of the Coalition’s first remote staff meeting, in which eight screens, each with a Coalition staff person, are displayed in a grid. Some staff are smiling, some staff are pensive, some staff are talking, and some are distracted by their pets at home.


In Love and Solidarity Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dearest Community,

We can do this! As the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak spreads throughout King County and beyond, we are reaching out to you, our members and community, in love, solidarity, and support. As your partners at the Coalition, we are here for you!

This is an uncertain time. We have fear for the increased physical, economic, and emotional toll this outbreak will have on the survivors we serve, our communities, our loved ones, and ourselves. We are heartbroken that Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color, immigrants, queer and trans people, and others who are already most impacted by social inequities will be hardest hit by this crisis. At the same time, we are amazed and deeply proud of the creativity and innovation our community has shown in adapting to meet the current challenge.  

To our members working with survivors of violence each and every day: Thank you so much for your work, always and especially now, as you continue to provide services in new ways that minimize the risk of virus transmission, and juggle increasing demands from home.

Advocacy is a critical lifeline for those surviving violence. The empathy, creative safety planning, knowledge of community resources, coping skills, and support of self-determination you bring to your work every day will have a profound, positive impact for survivors, our communities, and all of us in the coming weeks.

Your Coalition staff are moving forward with projects, holding and attending critical meetings virtually, converting our trainings into webinars, and advocating with policymakers to respond to this crisis in ways that will support our members and the survivors they serve. Our commitment and connection to one another is needed now more than ever! Click below to learn more about:

+ “Community Connections in the Time of COVID” Zoom Meeting Weekly Series

+ COVID-19 Information and Resources List

+ Who to Contact at the Coalition During COVID-19

+ Celebration for Change Postponed to September 24th, 2020

Our work is changing as our world is changing in the face of this global pandemic. Together, we will get through this. We have the skills, creativity, and connections we need.

With love and support,

Your Coalition

P.S. Join us THIS FRIDAY for our first Community Connections in the Time of COVID Zoom meeting. This week’s topic will focus on mental health and housing.