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Gender-Based Violence Housing and Homelessness Collaborative: An In-Person Event!

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Co-hosted by the Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence (CEGV), King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA), and City of Seattle Human Services Department (HSD).

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 2:30 pm  –  4:30 pm

YWCA Phillis Wheatley Branch

2820 E Cherry St Seattle 98122

Join us for an afternoon of building relationships across homeless housing and gender-based violence systems!

Housing System navigators, advocates, and case managers are encouraged to attend!

This is the first in-person meeting for this newly formed group that aims to build relationships, share resources, and ultimately make recommendations to better meet the needs of survivors who are homeless and/or experiencing housing instability.

What will we be doing?

We will be conducting a Journey Mapping exercise: mapping the experiences of survivors as they navigate our specific systems and programs. Come prepared with 2-3 client scenarios that exemplify your agency’s sub-population expertise and convey the paths your clients navigate.

Breakout groups will be by sub-population: you will work alongside other agency participants who serve the same GBV sub-population (i.e. Trans/Two Spirit, Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Families etc.).  You can best prepare for this by calling to mind 2-3 client scenarios which you feel exemplify both a.) your agency’s sub-population expertise and b.) will best convey the journey of clients within your area of expertise.

Why Journey Mapping?

Journey mapping is an exercise that helps us to visualize a client’s journey through homelessness. This communal mapping process will help us to capture the many threads of GBV Homelessness response system that contributes to its overall landscape and current state. Journey Mapping serves to highlight critical intersections, gaps as well as opportunities for capacity building. 

What is our goal?

Our aim is to leave this gathering with a clearer understanding of the many different identities and situations of which survivors enter homelessness, are cycled through and/or bridged out of homelessness, so that, we may strengthen our coalition’s work to improve its overall functioning and health. We all know that there is a malnourished, complex web of services that survivors must interact with, and that the threads of this web must be better understood, coordinated and invested in. Our goal as a GBV-Homelessness Collaborative, is to help inform our government agencies, so that they can not only plan better but also invest better. This exercise will direct us all as to how to move towards improved collaboration across systems, future-state visioning and advocacy. 

This meeting is open to CEGV membership organizations, homeless housing providers, and other providers from adjacent systems interested in this intersection.